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Call for Papers:
Abstract Submissions

AP-ACR 2024 invites consumer researchers to submit their work for consideration. 

New this year, we welcome Quantitative and Strategy work relevant to consumer research along with Consumer Culture Theory and Consumer Behaviour work. 

Submission Guidelines

Submission Deadline:

Abstract submissions are now closed. 

We will send notifications of acceptance by February 7, 2024.

Submission Portal:

All users must sign in and update their user profile or create a new user profile by following the online instructions on the submissions portal.


Each AP-ACR participant may present in no more than two sessions. When submitting to this conference, you must agree to be available on both full days of the conference (i.e., Tuesday, 9/7/2024, and Wednesday, 10/7/2024) to present your work. Accepted papers will be presented in person, and presenting authors will need to physically attend their assigned session. If you will not be available on one of the days, please arrange for a co-author to present. We will not consider date/time change requests for presentations unless a presenter has been inadvertently scheduled to deliver two presentations during the same time slot.

  • Overview
    Competitive papers constitute advanced-stage work and address theoretical, methodological, or substantive topics in consumer behaviour. Competitive Papers will be organized into thematic sessions by the conference chairs, with either four individual papers or three individual papers and a discussant.
  • Submission Inclusions
    ● The title of the paper. ● A 50-word short abstract (for publication in the conference program). ● Name, contact information, and affiliation of the author(s). Please indicate which author will serve as the corresponding author, presenter, or both. ● Extended Abstract (please see below for more details).
  • Upload a File: Extended Abstract
    ● The title of the paper. ● A 750-1,000 word (in pdf; 12-point Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, single-spaced) extended abstract that summarizes the motivation, conceptualization, methodology, and major findings. ● Reference list. References will not count against the word count of the extended abstract.
  • Extended Abstracts
    Competitive Paper submissions require both short and extended abstracts. Only after acceptance will authors be prompted to choose and upload the file they want to publish on the proceedings. • Option 1: Publish the entire paper in the ACR Proceedings. Choosing this option implies that, if accepted, the copyright for the article transfers to ACR and cannot be submitted for publication elsewhere. Authors will upload their final accepted submissions in MS Word via the submission system. Includes: Paper Title, Paper Authors, Papers Author Affiliations, Complete paper with graphics and References • Option 2: If authors wish to submit their accepted paper elsewhere for publication, they may choose to publish only a 750 to 1000-word abstract in the ACR Proceedings. Authors of accepted papers will upload their extended abstracts in MS Word format via the submission system. Includes: Paper Title, Paper Authors, Papers Author Affiliations, Extended Abstract Only - with full References
  • Additional Information
    Authors are welcome to use figures and tables in addition to the extended abstract. Figures and tables will not count against the word count of the extended abstract. Please note that the extended abstract should not include the author's names or affiliations. The file should be de-identified and in pdf format. To make sure your file is de-identified, please check the document properties (Choose File > Properties and remove author information under the ‘Description’ tab). After acceptance, authors will be asked to upload their final submission in MS Word format for the AP-ACR proceedings.
  • Overview
    Working papers typically present preliminary results but detail ongoing research on substantive, theoretical, or methodological aspects of consumer behavior. Though they represent work in the early stages, the quality of the research questions and the methodological rigor should mirror those of individual papers. Authors of accepted working papers will need to present their findings in the form of flash-talks, with details provided at the time of acceptance.
  • Submission Inclusions
    ● The title of the working paper. ● A 50-word short abstract (for publication in the conference program). ● Name, contact information, and affiliation of the author(s). Please indicate which author will serve as the corresponding author, presenter, or both. ● Extended Abstract (please see below for more details)
  • Upload a File: Extended Abstract
    ● The title of the working paper. ● A 750-1,000 word (in pdf; 12-point Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, single-spaced) extended abstract that summarizes the motivation, conceptualization, methodology, and major findings. ● Reference list. References will not count against the word count of the extended abstract.
  • Extended Abstracts
    Competitive Paper submissions require both short and extended abstracts. Only after acceptance will authors be prompted to choose and upload the file they want to publish on the proceedings. • Option 1: Publish the entire paper in the ACR Proceedings. Choosing this option implies that, if accepted, the copyright for the article transfers to ACR and cannot be submitted for publication elsewhere. Authors will upload their final accepted submissions in MS Word via the submission system. Includes: Paper Title, Paper Authors, Papers Author Affiliations, Complete paper with graphics and References • Option 2: If authors wish to submit their accepted paper elsewhere for publication, they may choose to publish only a 750 to 1000-word abstract in the ACR Proceedings. Authors of accepted papers will upload their extended abstracts in MS Word format via the submission system. Includes: Paper Title, Paper Authors, Papers Author Affiliations, Extended Abstract Only - with full References
  • Additional Information
    Please note that the extended abstract should not include the author's names or affiliations. The file should be de-identified and in pdf format. To make sure your file is de-identified, please check the document properties (Choose File > Properties and remove author information under the ‘Description’ tab).
  • Overview
    Special sessions focus on a specific area of research. Submissions should share a similar theoretical or methodological basis or approach the same research question from different perspectives. Each session should include either four papers without a discussant or three papers with an expert discussant. A discussant should be an expert in the topic area and not an author of any of the featured papers. A special session chair is expected to lead the session and is responsible for submitting all materials by the deadline and ensuring that all session presenters commit to attending the conference if accepted and presenting during the session.
  • Submission Inclusions
    ● The title of the special session. ● A 50-word abstract. This abstract will be published in the conference program and should provide an overview of the session. ● Name, email address, and affiliation of all the authors included in the proposal. Please indicate whether each author will serve as session chair, presenter, or both. At least one author of each paper must agree to present the paper if the proposal is accepted and must be present for the entire session. ● Session Proposal (please see below for more details)
  • Upload a File: Session Proposal
    This document should include: ● The title of the special session. ● A 500-word session overview describing the topic, why the topic is important, and how the presentations fit together. ● The title of each presentation. ● A 50-word short abstract of each presentation (for publication in the conference program). ● A 750-1,000 word (12-point Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, single-spaced) extended abstract of each presentation that summarises the motivation, conceptualisation, methodology, and major findings (except for conceptual papers). ● Full references of each extended abstract are combined into a single list at the end of the proposal. References will not count toward the word count of the extended abstract.
  • Additional Information
    Authors are welcome to use figures and tables in addition to the extended abstract. Figures and tables will not count against the word count of the extended abstract. Please note that to allow for a blind review process, the uploaded special session proposal should not identify author names or affiliations. Files should be de-identified and in pdf format. To make sure your file is de-identified, please check the document properties (Choose File > Properties and remove author information under the ‘Description’ tab). After acceptance, authors will be asked to upload their final proposal in MS Word format for the AP-ACR proceedings.
  • Overview
    Roundtables are theme-focused sessions to encourage conversations about an important theoretical, substantial, or methodological aspect of consumer research. A roundtable should last for the duration of a session, i.e., 90 minutes. Roundtables are not intended as venues to present original research or for primarily social/networking purposes.
  • Submission Inclusions
    ● The title of the roundtable. ● A 50-word abstract. This abstract will be published in the conference program and should provide an overview of the roundtable. ● Name, email address, and affiliation of those leading the roundtable. Please indicate whether each author will serve as roundtable chair, presenter, or both. ● Roundtable Proposal (please see below for more details)
  • Upload a File: Roundtable Proposal
    Proposals should be in PDF and use 12 pt Times New Roman and 1.5 line spacing. The document must include the following information: ● Roundtable Title ● Facilitators/chair(s): names and affiliations of the individual(s) who will lead the roundtable ● Panelists (if applicable): names and affiliations of individuals who will participate formally (e.g., with prepared remarks or material). Individuals listed as panelists must commit to attending the conference if the roundtable proposal is accepted. ● Purpose: a description (500 words maximum) that includes who should attend your roundtable; why they should find it interesting; how the time will be used (e.g., discussion questions, activities), and what your participants will ‘take away’ from the session. Tables, figures, appendices, and references are welcome and do not count toward the word limit. ● Participant preparation (if applicable): briefly describe the preparation required by individuals participating in your roundtable (e.g., readings, completing a survey, sharing documents). Facilitators of accepted roundtable proposals will be able to revise this description and communicate more detail to participants prior to the conference.

Submission Guidelines

(C) 2023 - Conference management

by JT. Production Management

Thank you.

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